What is paragraph alignment?
It refers to how the left and right edges of a paragraph align on a page.
Left Alignment:
- Left side of the paragraph is even right side is uneven.
- Works well for body paragraphs in most cases.
How to align left in word?
Select paragraph and press Ctrl + L or click on Align Left button.
- Right side of the paragraph is even and left side is uneven.
- Good for adding a date to a letter.
How to align right in word?
Select paragraph and press Ctrl + R or click on Align Right button.
Center Alignment:
- Places each line in the center of the page.
- Good for Titles.
How to align center in word?
Select text or paragraph and press Ctrl + E or click on Center button.
- Spreads text evenly between margins and creates a clean look.
- Often used in news papers and magazines.
How to justify in word?
Select paragraph and press Ctrl + J or click on Justify button.