Category |
Volatality |
Volatile memory i.e does not retain data when power is off. |
Non-volatile memory i.e retains data even when power is off. |
Data |
The data is not permanent but it can be retrieved and altered any number of times. |
The data is permanent. Cannot be altered or modified easily. |
Accesibility |
The data can be accessed in any order, from any location. Hence the name Random Access Memory. |
The information stored in ROM is not easily accessible and cannot be rewritten. Hence the name Read Only Memory. |
Speed |
It is a high-speed memory. |
It is much slower than the RAM. |
CPU Interaction |
The CPU can access the data stored on it. |
The CPU can not access the data stored on it. In order to do so, the data is first copied to the RAM. |
Size and Capacity |
Large size with higher capacity. |
Small size with less capacity. |
Usage |
Primary memory (DRAM), CPU Cache (SRAM). |
Firmware like BIOS, and at places where a small and permanent memory solution is required. |
Cost |
It doesn’t come cheap. |
Way cheaper than RAM. |
Types |
Types of RAM are Static RAM(SRAM) and Dynamic RAM(DRAM). |
Types of ROM are PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. |
Physical Appearance |