General Word Hotkeys:
Hotkeys reduces average time than to use mouse to point at an object on the screen.
Short Key | Discription |
Ctrl + A | Select all contents of the page. |
Ctrl + B | Bold Highlighted Selection. |
Ctrl + C | Copy selected text. |
Ctrl + D | Open font preferences window. |
Ctrl + E | Aligns selected text or line to the center. |
Ctrl + F | Open the find box. |
Ctrl + G | Goto a specific page or bookmark. |
Ctrl + H | Find and replace text. |
Ctrl + J | Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen. |
Ctrl + K | Insert a hyperlink. |
Ctrl + L | Aligns the selected text or line to the left of the screen. |
Ctrl + M | Indent the paragraph. |
Ctrl + N | Open new blank document window. |
Ctrl + O | Opens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open. |
Ctrl + P | Open the print window. |
Ctrl + R | Aligns the selected text or line to the right. |
Ctrl + S | Save the open document. |
Ctrl + T | Create a hanging indent. |
Ctrl + U | Underline the selected text. |
Ctrl + V | Paste. |
Ctrl + W | Close the currently open document. |
Ctrl + X | Cut the selected text. |
Ctrl + Y | Redo the last action performed. |
Ctrl + Z | Undo the last action. |
Home | Move to the beginning of the line. |
End | Move to the end of the line. |
Left Arrow or Right Arrow | Move one character to the left or right. |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Move one word to the left. |
Ctrl + Right Arrow | Move one word to the right. |
Ctrl + Up Arrow | Moves to the beginning of paragraph. |
Ctrl + Down Arrow | Moves to the beginning of next paragraph. |
Shift + Left Arrow | Select one character to the left. |
Shift + Right Arrow | Select one character to the right. |
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow | Select one word to the left. |
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow | Select one word to the right. |
Shift + Home | Select from cursor point to the beginning of the line. |
Shift + End | Select from cursor point to the end of the line. |
Ctrl + Home | Move to the beginning of the document. |
Ctrl + End | Move to the end of the document. |
Ctrl + Delete | Deletes word to the right of the cursor. |
Ctrl + Backspace | Deletes word to the left of the cursor. |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Double underline text. |
Ctrl + Shift + K | Format letters as small capitals. |
Ctrl + Shift + L | Quickly create a bullet point. |
Ctrl + Shift + M | Remove paragraph indent from left. |
Ctrl + Shift + S | Apply styles. |
Ctrl + Shift + T | Remove hanging indent. |
Ctrl + Shift + W | Underline words but not spaces. |
Ctrl + Shift + > | Increase font +1pts upto 12pts and then increase font +2pts. |
Ctrl + Shift + < | Decrease font -1pts if 12pts or lower and if above 12pts then decrease font -2pts. |
Ctrl + ] | Increase selected font +1pts. |
Ctrl + [ | Decrease selected font -1pts. |
Ctrl + 1 | Single space lines. |
Ctrl + 2 | Double space lines. |
Ctrl + 5 | 1.5 line spacing. |
Ctrl + Alt + 1 | Changes text to heading 1. |
Ctrl + Alt + 2 | Changes text to heading 2. |
Ctrl + Alt + 3 | Changes text to heading 3. |
F1 | Open help. |
F4 | Repeat the last action performed. |
F7 | Spell check and grammar. |
F12 | Save As. |
Shift + F3 | Change the text from upper case to lower case or a capital at the beginning of every word. |
Alt | Activate menu bar. |
Shift + Alt + D | Insert the current date. |
Shift + Alt + T | Insert the current time. |
Shift + Enter | Create a soft break instead of a paragraph. |